Archived Renovations / Improvements > Air Conditioning

AC size issue.


Well, after my first weekend Apache adventure (Pictures to follow), I feel confident my 5000 BTU AC unit will do TOTALLY FINE!
It was around 90 degrees, humidity around 95%, and even in direct sun, it seemed more than comfortable. I keep my home AC around 78 degrees during the day. It seemed cooler in the camper than in my home during the daylight hours.
I'm just not sure the extra weight of a bigger unit is worth it. At night, it was TO COLD in the camper. We were literally under multiple blankets with the unit on low.
I paid $109 at either Home Depot or Lowes (I shop at both several times a week, I can't recall which one I got it at). It's the Fridgedaire 5000.
I just don't know how cold you need your camper. An old trick (I even still use at home on REALLY hot days). Go outside for 10 minutes into the heat and humidity, come back into the AC and even if it's 85 degrees, without the humidity it will feel AWESOME.
Like I said, at night, it was to cold to leave it on.
My Roamer is a fresh TOTAL RESTORATION. So it's tight. Not sure if that may play a part into how well it cools or maybe it's because the AC unit is brand new. But I will say this: In the midwest where it rarely goes over 98 degrees but humidity is ALWAYS an issue in the summer, the 5000 BTU unit is ALL that is needed. If you're camping in Death Valley in the direct summer sun, THEN you might need something bigger.


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