Archived Renovations / Improvements > Air Conditioning

Sealing up tongue mounted AC unit


I am getting ready to remove my front bezel (76 Mesa), replace it with aluminum diamond plate and install my air conditioner on the tongue. I am interested in corresponding with anyone who has done this modification and in particular how best to seal around the AC unit on the outside. Anybody?

Hi! I'm not sure where I saw it but, someone had used an old vintage style metal cooler and modified it so the a/c was inside and it just looked like the cooler was mounted to the hitch on the front by the propane tank. When they used the a/c they just opened the cooler. I have the a/c on mine too and have thought about doing something like this also. Good luck!

 Until recently, mine was mounted in the space where the old refrigerator used to be. I became increasingly concerned that there was not enough air circulation around the sides of the unit to make that a long-term solution. My back does not like the idea of lifting it up on some kind of window frame and  so the tongue has become the installation place of choice. I think putting it inside any kind of container out there would defeat the purpose. Rather than destroy a perfectly good ABS bezel I am choosing the diamond  plate aluminum. Hopefully it'll look nice and someone will be able to use that bezel on their project.


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